In mid-March we began receiving many donations in honor of Mr. Dougherty and once we found his obituary, we realized his family was gracious to ask for donations to our organization in lieu of flowers.

A lover of boating, the ocean, Bruce Springsteen, guitar and baseball, among others, he was very active in his alma mater, Drexel University.
He is survived by his wife, Lisa, a daughter and son along with his parents, two brothers, grandparents and many loving family members and friends.
Below is his obituary:

At the end of his obituary, there is a lovely video of Mr. Dougherty with a photo collage of he and his family over many years. So touching!
We are grateful for contributions from the following individuals:
Kerrene Fisher, James Revello, Marcos Lopez, James Parker, Carol Auer, Geoff Cardamone, Denise Kline, Peter Goldreich, Patrick Luddy, Susan Shirer, James Lombardo, Rich Brome, Carolyn Wrzesniewski, Katie Giblin, Jennifer Perry, Elizabeth Powell, Wiley Jones, Kit Ford, Jack Dougherty, Stephen Lenzi, Julie Lisowski, Rebecca Ocasio, Melissa Esposito, Robert DeSilverio, Francis Smith, John R. Conklin, John and Peg Daily, John and Marianne Hanson, Robert A. Alston, Esq., Linda Brant, Tyler Ridgeway, Colleen Bayus, Jim Drake, Joseph Ternes, Karilynn Bayus, Maria Peterson, 6 Anonymous Donations